If you love Sparkle you have come to the right place!!
Welcome to the home of the best quality glitter, uv dtf transfers and pearl & rhinestone mixes.
remember we are based in Ireland so there are no extra duties to be paid if ordering within the eu!!
This is a custom JeCloZie mix available no where else!
This white Opal is one of the most beautiful mixes we have. White with blue silver flecks, with unbeatable sparkle.
This is a medium and fine mix. Perfect for Resin, Glitter Cups, Acrylic Items and so much more.
This mix can be used for Snow Globe Tumblers but please note fine Glitter can clump together in some mixes and some serious shaking is required to break up and get free fall moving again.
Sold in 2oz Shaker by volume.
General Glitter Information:
- Top Grade, Polyester Glitter.
- Polyester Glitter is a versatile Glitter with a sparkle more intense than Craft Glitter.
- Sold by volume. Shakers will contain 2oz or 2.5oz depending on the colour. Please see individual descriptions for exact amount of the glitter you have ordered.
- When used correctly 1oz of Glitter should cover between 4-6 tumblers.
- Glitter can settle in transit. When emptying your shaker and placing back into the bottle, you will have a full bottle.
- Static within the shaker can cause finer cuts to "cling" to the sides, meaning the true colour does not show from the outside of the bottle. Open the bottle to admire the true beauty of the mix.
We LOVE Glitter and only stock the best!!!!
Our Gitters are suitable for all your crafting needs. We understand how disappointing it can be to spend your precious time making something special, only to have poor quality products ruin the finished product for you, we have sourced only the highest quality options to ensure our Glitters will not bleed or fade over time when used correctly.
JeCloZie Glitters are our own sourced brand and you will find some custom mixes unequaled by anything else available. We also stock It's Pretty Personal Glitter which is one of the top US Glitters on the market, this brand is the reason I started JeCloZie Glitters originally. The colour choice and sparkle can not be beaten.
We have recently expanded our product range to include a wonderful selection of Pearl & Rhinestone Mixes and a large choice of UV DTF transfers, we have lots of wraps and sticker options to help you #Levelup your crafts!
Jenn P
Glitter Queen
Hello there and Welcome to our website!
My name is Jenn, I run JeCloZie Glitters with the help of my beautiful 9 year old Glitter Princess, who is quite the Girl Boss!
I have LOVED Glitter and sparkle since a very young age, taking after my beloved Granny Vera! I am Mum to 4 young children (5 if you count the hubby!!!) and a beautiful golden Labrador.
Like a lot of people, I started really getting into crafting during "Lockdown" in 2020. Immediately I was drawn to personalised Glitter products and realised the search for amazing Glitter here in Ireland and Europe was a struggle!!!!! To get the quality Glitters I wanted I had to go to the US market. This brought about it's own challenges.... none more so than the wait for that Glitter to arrive!!!
It is a dream come true to be able to have this online store providing products I stand by and use myself to create some amazing personalised gifts!
I really hope you enjoy our Glitter as much as I have, we love to see our products in use so please tag us in all your social media posts. Also don't forget to join our Facebook group for Glitter chats and feel free to reach out to me by email with any queries you might have!!